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Through an architectural competition, the D.T.T. has set itself the important and necessary goal of bringing all its services together in a single entity. The chosen site, the complexity of planning regulations in force and to come and the variety of functions to be housed make this project particularly interesting. The future users, the public and the professionals who will be received and the surrounding urban fabric will say of the success of this ambitious project whose ecological vocation is clearly affirmed.

The idea of ​​a "light" intervention on the ground took shape like lifting a sheet of ground to slide a much parking space underneath while freeing a vast courtyard, a central garden as a kind of vegetable place around which all the functions are articulated. Therefore, the "L" layout of the buildings was obvious, linear buildings traversed by wide "faults" allowing the natural ventilation of all major circulations. The construction thus moves away as much as possible from the noise nuisance to leave room for a vast landscaped space centered on the entrance.


The creation of this car park in half-level allows to consider an extension to the scale of the whole plot. This partially shared car park could create nearly 400 places according to the market program and free up rights of way for businesses and services that could be developed.


The high-rise spaces (hangar, education center and road safety) have found their way to the ends, thus constituting, in particular the hangar, an effective barrier against the noise of the roundabout. The orientation with respect to the prevailing winds allows an efficient ventilation of the 2 wings of the building. The choice was made to propose a building of relatively modest height (maximum 3 levels) consistent with the future of an urban sector whose evolution remains to be written.


the control of solar gain and exposure to prevailing winds minimize and optimize the use of air conditioning. For the same purpose, the lobby and circulations are naturally ventilated. The materials have all been chosen based on their energy consumption in production and it will be largely recycled. It is planned to harvest the rainwater for the supply of the flushing toilets and the irrigation of the large plant pars drip. All the wastewater will be collected by the treatment plant and treated with rotating biodiscs, rejecting water of quality E, suitable for watering by infiltration and F for a discharge into the natural environment.


Boulevard Pomare - B.P. 9754-98715 CMP - Papeete - Tahiti - Polynésie française - Tél (689) - Fax (689) -


Crédits photos: Tim Mckenna / Erik Saillet / Pascal Lombard / Pierre Lesage / G. Le Bacon / Tahiti Tourisme / Photos agence.

© Copyright, All Rights Reserved - Pierre-Jean Picart architect

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